Dec 18, 2021We’re in it, gals….the holidays sorta snuck up on us! Christmas is a few days away…and a new year is almost here again. For many of us, this is when things start to get a little dicey. If you’re like me, I dream of making “this” holiday the best one yet! I put undue pressure on myself to really knock this one out of the park….can you relate? When my Norman Rockwell-ish visions fall short, I’m left feeling stressed out and defeated.
I’m making an early New Year’s Resolution….starting right now. I’m letting go! The truth is that, as magical as the holidays can be, they are also filled with chaos, travel, sleep deprivation, overindulging, financial pressure, and family drama, most of which I have ZERO control over. This year, I have a strategy to keep my sanity:
1. Get Real:
By letting go of unrealistic expectations, I’m setting myself up to enjoy the holidays. It’s easier to embrace the unexpected and “roll with it” when I’m not holding tightly to a rigid plan. There is no “perfect” holiday….and there can be such magic in our messes! One of my favorite holiday memories is of my grandma dropping the turkey on the kitchen floor. I remember her reaction: She cracked up laughing…I mean, she was rolling, and that moment brought us all so much joy. We implemented the 5 second rule (although it took more like 5 minutes to get that bird off of the floor), and laughed our way through dinner. I’ll never forget that Christmas, and I can still hear her laughter.
2. Don’t Over Commit:
I can’t say “yes” to everything this year. There will be parties, events, and invitations that I will need to decline in order to keep my calm. That’s OKAY! I’m going to let go of F.O.M.O. (fear of missing out), and set clear boundaries around my time in order to protect my peace and nourish my nervous system, which can become overburdened this time of year. Saying “no” when I need to allows me to actually have a blast at the events I do attend!
3. Keep Up My Healthy Routine:
As tempting as it might be to forgo my nutrition, exercise, and sleep during party season, staying on my routine will keep both my mind and body strong. Good choices lead to other good choices, and when stress is high, my wellness routine is non-negotiable.
The holidays don’t have to be an “either/or” situation, as in: “I’m EITHER going to go completely off the rails, OR I’m going to hide out in my closet eating kale while everyone else has fun.” Eww!
Instead, the holidays can be “both/and,” as in: I’m going to BOTH enjoy that yummy dessert AND have a delicious salad later!
This time of year is special, and should be enjoyed…but enjoyment doesn’t have to mean totally abandoning the good habits we have worked hard to establish. Bottom line: sticking with my commitment to wellness during the holidays will help me better manage the stress of the season.
My hope is that these tips will bring some peace to your potential pitfalls this season. Cheers to the happiest and healthiest of holidays!
Lori Z