Feb 06, 2022

There are so many foods that support the liver. Peep last week’s blog and get familiar with the foods that support your liver’s ability to detoxify.

Now, let's take things a step further by looking at some herbs that also support the detoxification mission of your lovely liver. 


Try these herbs for liver health:

  • dandelion root

  • ginger

  • cloves

  • burdock root

  • milk thistle

  • wormwood

  • and black walnut…



You can find these individually or in compounds. I've ordered on Amazon, or purchased at my local wellness market, but my favorite formulas are created right here in Tennessee by my friend, Alicia!


You can find her tinctures of liver supporting herbs by visiting her website:


She is local in middle Tennessee, and raises organic medicinal herbs in her gorgeous garden. She then compounds them, and creates health supporting tinctures. 


Just remember this truth: You cannot out supplement a poor diet, and you cannot throw herbs on a distressed liver and expect results UNLESS you are also removing toxic factors and supplying nutrients to the liver with the proper foods (from last week's email). 


Just like with everything else, there is no "quick fix," but supportive herbs can enhance the work you do to restore and maintain liver health. 


Swing by Alicia's virtual store, tell her I said, "hi!" and keep on loving that liver.