Food and Freedom
Mar 14, 2021Do you ever feel as though your relationship with food is sort like a ball and chain? Did you just shout an “Amen!” and nod your head in agreement with this question? Do you struggle to get from one meal to the next without a snack in between? Do you have obsessive thoughts about food, or experience intense cravings? There are MANY reasons why we might feel excessive hunger, but here are the 3 most likely suspects and what to do about each one. Hope is on the way….read on!

The effects of unbalanced blood sugar cannot be minimized. If we think of our blood sugar as a line, we want that line to remain horizontal; with slow rises and descents, not erratic spikes and crashes like a roller coaster. Unstable blood sugar can cause hormonal imbalances, create inflammation, and cause the body to store fat rather than burn it. To help keep your blood sugar line horizontal and steady, aim to eliminate foods with added sugars, eat fruit only once a day, and start your day with a savory (not sweet) protein and healthy fat-fueled breakfast.
When you create your plate, remember “GFFP.” GREENS, FAT, FIBER, PROTEIN. Eat balanced, proportioned meals that are large enough to fill you up, but will not leave you feeling stuffed. By combining the 4 components of a meal, you will smooth out your blood sugar curve (recurring theme here!) by providing your body with components to keep you full for 4-5 hours. Additionally, by eating foods that are nutrient dense, your body will be satisfied, having received all the vitamins and minerals it needs to arrive victoriously to your next meal.
Stress truly wreaks havoc on our nutrition and fitness goals. When we are stressed, we often eat from emotional needs, not true hunger. We are more inclined to reach for high calorie, or sugary snacks. Additionally, when we are under stress, our bodies release the hormone cortisol, which increases our appetite….and then directs calories to be stored as fat. Ouch. Here are some of my go-to’s for minimizing stress:
Reach for & connect with your higher power
Spend time with your tribe
Exercise daily
Get outside as often as you can
Practice self-care rituals
Every day, do things that light your fire
Here’s the clincher, and the real take away. Each of these three areas are SO interrelated. Stress causes wild fluctuations in blood sugar. Unstable blood sugar causes us to crave the “bad” foods, and when we crave and eat the “bad” foods, our bodies lack what they need and become stressed….and we are stuck in the loop. Make sense? So, don’t just choose one of these 3 tips….make each one a part of your lifestyle and you will enjoy good health!
Here’s to more happy dances in the kitchen….